Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Hub of Delhi - Connaught Place

Connaught Place (CP) is the hub of financial and social activities in the capital state of India - Delhi. On one hand it is dirty and crowded; on the other it boasts of outlet of every major commericial brand in India, opulent movie halls and structures like the Rajeev Gandhi Hasthshilpa Bhawan that you see in the picture. CP is a place which depicts the diametrically opposite sides of India.

Rajeev Gandhi Hasthshilp Bhawan attempts to preserve the traditional crafts of India. It is flanked by the Government run State Emporiums which boasts of regional handicrafts. This road is oft visited by foreigners who like to get the feel of "Essentially India". Bang opposite this road is the Hamuman Mandir which is a very popular place of Hindu worship. The Mandir complex boasts of street side vendors. One will find beggars, lepers, and common all in one jungle of the Human mass. It is possibly one of the dirtest places in CP. Two sides of the same road - exact opposite but one depicts religion and the other tradition.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Street Play at Dilli Haat

Street Plays are a dying art. So it was refreshing to see a street play at Dilli Haat being enacted by a grup of young people. The meaasge that they passed was a very socially relevant one....

prevention of HIV/ AIDS and dealing with it. It was surprising to see the number of people who had actually gathered around to watch these youngsters and cheer them on. They managed to generate quite a bit of enthusiasm among the viewers.

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