Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Fun all the way

This is a glimpse of the festive spirit that prevails over urban India during Christmas time. The urban Indians celebrate all kinds of festivals - may it be a Hindu festival, a Muslim festival or a Sikh festival or a Christian festival. They celebrate it with the same amount of enthusiasm and fervor as they would celebrate their own festivals. It is an indication of the amount of fun that the urban Indians have a capacity for. Christmas followed by New Year is the last leg of the festivities that start from late September/ early October. It starts with the Navratri(Durga Puja for some Indians) followed by Laxmi Puja, Diwali (Kali / Laxmi Puja), Bhai Duj. There are a couple of national holidays also like Gandhi Jayanti and Children's Day too during this time of the year. Not to metion the fact that this happens to be the most auspicious period in the Hindu calender and is considered to be very good time of the year for marriages to take place.
Looks like the urban Indians have three months of festivities. All types of businesses do maximum amount of sales during this period of the year and they take advantage of the loose purse strings of the public by announcing attractive schemes. The weather also becomes very pleasant to match our mood.
Lots of color, light, fun and relaxation mark the last quarter of the year for us. The crowds just keep pouring in in places like these to have their piece of fun before the year rus out on them. The Christmas Tree symbolises their mood and the fact that we are a highly secular country. And also the fact that every reason is a good reason to have some fun.
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